Field of Love
I invite you to join me on for Receive the Blessings of the Field of Love., a meditation and discussion guided by love
The premise: When you show up for Love, Love shows up for you.
In our energy-based world everything is frequency. Everything vibrates together.
I work by bringing myself into resonance with love and blessing and inviting you to join me in the field that emanates out of my heart, generating a field of love and blessing around me. As I attune to this field, my body settles, my mind quiets and clears. I experience a deep calm inside me and around me.
Tomorrow, I invite you to sit with me inside of this field. This is not an experience where I’ll be lecturing or delivering information.
Rather, I am offering you the experience of resonance with the field of love and blessing that emanates from your heart. As we sit together, your own energy begins to vibrate with mine. Our hearts come into resonance.
We feel lighter, brighter and less burdened by heaviness.
In this way, the energy of love and blessing is transmitted between us, through the field around us.
On the call, I will guide you through an imaginal journey, settling your nervous system, calming your heart as you open to the gifts of love that are (always) already here - radiant within you, gathered around you.
If you feel drawn to this practice but you cannot make tomorrow’s call, you can participate by recording - the effect will be the same. The field of love and blessing is available at any time. It’s not coming from me. It’s always been here. It will be here when you attune to it. It’s all for you.
Live Call Schedule
10:00 am Intro/meditation
10:50 Break
11:00 Discussion
A recording will be sent to all registered participants.