🇺🇸 Ganas Coffee x Comcast Lift Labs
​Hello founders, funders, and friends! I'll be in Philly for the Comcast Lift Labs event, and you're welcome to join me for an informal startup & investor hang-out. RSVP.
​​​Note: Ganas is actively writing $100K checks.
​​​​​​✨ Lolita Taub, GP at Ganas Ventures ​
I​nvesting in early-stage community-driven founders at​ ​Ganas Ventures. Featured in Forbes, Techcrunch​, and Nasdaq​​.
Twitter ​​​​​| ​​L​inkedin | L​u.ma
Ganas Ventures' sweet​ ​spot
​​​​Industries: Agnostic ​(n​​ot interested in physical products​)​
​​​​St​age: ​​P​re-seed/​S​eed that provides 24 months runwayÂ
​​​Post-money valuation​:​ ≦$10M
​​​Check: $100K
​​​US, Latin America ​HQ
​​​Delaware C Corps, Cayman Islands Holding Co ​x Delaware LLC
Know a great founder who fits our sweet spot? Send them to ganas.vc where they can submit for investment consideration.