Cover Image for Dash Design Series: Futurescapes
Cover Image for Dash Design Series: Futurescapes
Hosted By
435 Going

Dash Design Series: Futurescapes

Hosted by Dash
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About Event


Design Series - Futurescapes is here to empower participants to step beyond their comfort zones and hone skills to tackle the wicked problems of today! By applying design sprint principles, participants co-create impactful solutions that address real-world challenges, highlighting the transformative power of design in driving meaningful change.

This event is for YOU if you want to improve or challenge your skills in:

  • Discovering and defining problems

  • Ideation and creativity techniques

  • Collaboration and decision making

  • Prototyping and testing

  • Storytelling and pitching

Join us for our 5-day program to be taught by Special Keynotes guests & Industry partners!

This event is FREE!

🌍 When & Where? 🌍

Day 1: 17.02 @ EY Office (Korkeavuorenkatu 32-34)

Day 2: 21.02 @ Design Factory (Puumiehenkuja 5, 02150 Espoo)

Day 3: 24.02 @ Terkko Health Hub, Helsinki Think Company (Haartmaninkatu 4, 00290 Helsinki)

Day 4: 27.02 @ Design Factory (Puumiehenkuja 5, 02150 Espoo)

Day 5: 28.02 @ Design Factory (Puumiehenkuja 5, 02150 Espoo)

📅 Program Schedule 📅

16:45 - 17:00 Doors open and Participants Check-in (15 mins)

17:00 - 17:15 Welcome and Introduction (15 mins)

17:15 - 17:45 Keynote Speaker (30 mins)

17:45 - 18:15 Dinner & Networking (30 mins)

18:15 - 20:00 Workshop (1 hr 45 mins - last 15 mins for feedback/pitching)

20:00 - 20:15 Closing words (15 mins)

**Program structure is subject to change from day-to-day

Aalto Design Factory
Puumiehenkuja 5, 02150 Espoo, Finland
Hosted By
435 Going