DeSci Tokyo day by | Merito Network

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研究資金の新たな調達方法を提示するMerito networkBIO protocolによる本イベントのホストを務めるのはDeSci TokyoのFounderである濱田太陽、Merito NetworkのFounderであるBrandon Possin、BIO protocolのecosystem developerであるJay(Jaeyawat Manphadungkij)です。

このイベントでは、新たな研究資金の獲得方法やBIO protocolおよびMerito networkの概要、過去に支援してきたプロジェクト、分散型科学(DeSci)について知ることができます。

This event is for anyone looking to raise new research funding to advance "your research".

This event by BIO protocol and Merito Network, which presents a new way to raise research funds, will be hosted by Hiroaki Hamada, founder of DeSci Tokyo, Brandon Possin, founder of Merito Network, and Jay (Jaeyawat manphadungkij), ecosystem developer of BIO protocol.

At this event, you can learn about new ways to raise research funding, an overview of the BIO protocol and Merito Network, projects we have supported in the past, and Decentralized Science (DeSci).


14:00~14:15 Introduction from Hosts ホストの紹介
14:20~15:00 Discussions on funding problems with Q&A サイエンスにおける資金調達の課題
1. Japanese science overview
2. Japanese funding system
3. Global trends like AI

15:15~15:45 About BIO protocol
15:50~16:20 About Merito Network
16:30~17:30 Networking

About Merito:





また、最近Forbes Japanに掲載されたMeritoに関する記事もご参照ください。

Merito is a decentralized science (DeSci) platform that allows Japanese science projects to raise funds and connect with the global science community.

We tokenize sponsored research agreements (SRAs) between the Japanese scientific team and global investors. Merito is the gateway to Japan and the decentralized science (DeSci) funding universe.

In 2025, Merito's unique DAO will be established to bring funding to Japan's DeSci ecosystem. We are making the ownership of science more MERITOcratic). And see recent article about Merito in ForbesJapan:

About BIO protocol

BIO はブロックチェーン技術を使用して、初期段階の科学研究の資金調達と商業化の方法を変革します。 

アカデミアと大手製薬会社のトップダウン構造ではなく、BIO はコミュニティのコンセンサス、科学的厳密性、適応的なオンチェーンツールを通じたボトムアップ構造で科学研究を加速させていきます。 

BIOは、科学者、患者、投資家のグローバルコミュニティが、Biotech領域の自律分散型組織(BioDAOs)のネットワークを通じて、有望な新薬や治療法に関する共同の資金調達、開発、所有を可能にします。各BioDAO は、Long COVID、希少疾患、老化など、特定の治療領域に焦点を当てています。

BIO transforms the way early-stage scientific research is financed and commercialized using blockchain technology. 

Rather than the top-down structure of Academia and Big Pharma, BIO accelerates science from the ground-up through community consensus, scientific rigor and adaptive onchain tooling.

BIO enables global communities of scientists, patients, and investors to collectively fund, develop, and co-own promising new drugs and therapeutics through its network of Biotech Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (BioDAOs). Each BioDAO focuses on a particular therapeutic area, like Long Covid, Rare Diseases or Aging.

About DeSci Tokyo


​2023年にはDeSci🗼Tokyo Conference 2023を開催、2024年にはFounding the commons Tokyo 2024を共催し、国内外から多くの著名なスピーカー・参加者を集めました。定期的にミートアップを開催しています。


Forbes Japanに掲載された我々の記事もぜひご覧ください!

​DeSci🗼Tokyo is a community and academic hub for the promotion and practice of Decentralized Science (DeSci).

​In 2023 and 2024, we organized the DeSci🗼Tokyo Conference 2023 and Founding the commons Tokyo 2024, which attracted many famous speakers and participants from Japan and abroad. We also host meetups.

​Join the DeSci🗼Tokyo discord to keep up with information about DeSci in Japan and Tokyo. And see our article on DeSci in Forbes Japan.

Japan, 〒113-0033 Tokyo, Bunkyo City, Hongō, 4-chōme−1−4, Design Place α, 3F