Extending Tools for Thought: Social and cognitive tool exploration with Howard Rheingold
11-12:30 PT, 4 Oct 2022
We're thrilled to welcome Howard Rheingold to Tools for Thought Rocks series on #scalingsynthesis. Howard is a veteran guide in the "territory where minds meet technology", and will be helping us experiment with collective intelligence, while discussing some of the core concepts and processes of collective intelligence. Very meta! and fun. Join us!
Beginning with concepts from The Extended Mind: The Power of Thinking Outside the Brain Howard will lead us through some non-digital elements of collective intelligence, exploring the question “What are the tools for thought that are neither hardware or software but are cognitive or social?” Participants are also invited to discuss how we can make these cognitive and social tools for thought more discoverable and explore them together.
We will also choose use roles during the call to support collective intelligence. As we begin, participants will be asked to pick a role(s) from the Peeragogy Handbook: Roles for participants in real-time meetings, and will help turn this call into an experiment in this role-based framework for supporting the emergence of collective intelligence in realtime discussions.
Robert Best and Christina Bowen will co-facilitate.