Celo Developer Workshop
Hosted by Mukunde Brisa
Past Event
About Event
This event will be a developer-focused approach. Therefore, university IT students, web2 and web3 developers are all welcome.
This workshop's focus area will be Celo Composer. We will cover different topics ranging from :
Introduction to celo composer
Overview of the Celo Progressive Dappstarter(Learn how to quickly develop full-stack progressive web applications on the Celo blockchain in less than 5 minutes)
Deploy a beginner dapp and Learn about the Project stack i.e. next js, celo contract kit e.t.c
Develop full stack Dapp using Celo Composer
Benchmark the Celo Developer Tutorials(Celo Academy) i.e. both frontend and backend
Deploy on Alfajores testnet
NB: Remember to come with your Laptops
Thank you, See you there 🚀🌍