Cover Image for The Future of Work is Connection: Cultivate Resilient Hybrid, In-Person, Remote, and Virtual Relationships
Cover Image for The Future of Work is Connection: Cultivate Resilient Hybrid, In-Person, Remote, and Virtual Relationships
Hosted By
30 Going

The Future of Work is Connection: Cultivate Resilient Hybrid, In-Person, Remote, and Virtual Relationships

Hosted by Moe Carrick
Past Event
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Truth bomb: Hybrid work is here to stay (for some jobs.)

Yet it continues to receive blame for workplace malaise and accountability problems like…

  • Decreasing employee engagement scores.

  • Dips in worker well-being.

  • Lack of accountability and transparency.

  • Poor feedback loops.

  • Lack of transparency and context.

Hot take, though:

Hybrid work is not the problem.

Rather, underlying factures in connection (to each other, to leaders, to the work, to the company itself) cause these unwanted effects—effects that existed long before “remote work” and that fully in-person organizations continue to struggle with.

So, what does “connection” really mean and what can we do to build it at work in a way that doesn’t remind us of middle school social angst?

This interactive forum will reveal what we have learned from our clients and within Moementum about what works, what doesn’t, and how to transform your workplace culture to create meaningful collegial connection today.

Get ready to:

  1. Debunk the myths about what builds engagement in the first place

  2. Unpack what workers really feel about feedback and accountability (hint: they want more not less)

  3. Demystify what relationships at work mean, at their best

  4. Identify the critical small moves you can make daily to foster and feel more connected at work

Register now and bring a friend. The conversation will be enlivening and the take-aways practical.

About Your Facilitator

Moe Carrick is an internationally respected pioneer in the study and practice of workplace culture.

Her award-winning frameworks and tools have been used by some of the country’s most recognized brands such as Nike, Nintendo, Amazon, Hydroflask and Reddit, to improve workplace culture, reduce churn and drive business performance.

Over two decades, her proprietary culture building methods have improved employee engagement and dramatically cut burnout across industry, healthcare, government and non-profit sectors. She has been recognized three times with the Thinkers 360 Award, as well as honored with awards by Fastest Growing Companies, Fast Company, Portland Business Journal, US Chamber of Commerce, Woman of the Year, Real Leaders, and CEO Monthly.

Moe’s sought after talks on innovation, the future of work and employee wellbeing, have been featured 3 times on the TEDx stage, twice at SXSW, as well as at dozens of conferences across the world. She is the author of three bestselling books, Fit Matters: How to Love Your Job with co-author Cammie Dunaway, Brave Space Workplace: Making Your Company Fit for Human Life, and When Work is Good: What it Means, Why it Drives Results, How You Can Build a Workplace People Love.

Moe’s work focuses on the 7 needs people have of work, as well as the fundamental pillars of innovative, inclusive and dynamic workplace cultures by building leaders who are good for people and teams who care. Her research, curricula and tools are the result of more than 1.5M workplace data points gathered with thousands of leaders.

Prior to founding her award-winning workplace culture consultancy Moementum Inc, Moe was an organizational change leader in tech and healthcare.

A passionate outdoorswoman, Moe has guided over 150 teenagers on backwoods expeditions throughout the country. (They all survived.) She’s a mom to 3 grown children and lives in Bend Oregon, with her husband.

Hosted By
30 Going