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Get to Know Project Management with ANU Consulting

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About Event

Girls in Tech Dallas and Girls in Tech Miami are excited to partner with Veronica White from ANU Consulting to bring you this webinar, where you will learn about what a Project Management career is, what it has to offer, and why you should consider it.

Did you know that only 38.1% of all project managers are women, while 61.9% are men?

About our Guest

Veronica started ANU Consulting to spread the word about how easy it is to transition into project management and to help others take the life-changing leap just like her in the industry.  If you are looking for the right opportunity in an ever-growing market that does not require any coding skills, look no further than project management with ANU Consulting. 

Learn more about how she immediately took a leap of faith and quit her job to undergo a 2-week advanced prep course to sit for the Project Management Professional (PMP) exam. She took the examination 30 days later and passed with above-target scores across the board. Within 3 months, she had accepted a full-time position as a Sr. Project Manager for a Biotech company and had more than doubled my salary. Just like that, her life changed. She was making a 6-figure salary, doing what she was naturally skilled at, and thriving to do!

AMU Consulting

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