Cover Image for Women in Web3 HK - Stress Management Workshop
Cover Image for Women in Web3 HK - Stress Management Workshop
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We invite you to a special, complimentary 60-minute stress management session on June 14th at 7 PM at Tune In Wellness Studio, led by sound healing expert Malbert Lee. Sponsored by Animoca Brands, this intimate workshop is designed to raise awareness about the importance of self-care while building your career. It also provides an opportunity to connect with fellow professional women on a deeper level.

Participation is on a first-come, first-served basis, and spaces are limited to 15 participants, women only. Please register only if you can definitely attend. If your plans change, kindly notify us at least 24 hours in advance. Please note that no-shows or late cancellations may be restricted from attending future events.

After the session, you may join us for a casual gathering nearby. Reserve your spot and embrace self-care!

137, 139 Johnston Rd
Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Tune In Wellness - 16 Floor
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