Sunday Service 2/9
Dance. Eat. Connect. Go Deep!
The Sunday Service is a new paradigm in spiritual practice. Come together with us and show up as each other's healers, guides and friends on the path from mutual empowerment to group enlightenment.
We are co-creating a practice room for our spiritual work, where, fueled by donations and community participation, we do the work together through the power of movement, sharing and connection.
We want you to show up for the level of commitment that feels best for you, whether that be one session or the whole day; we just ask that you stay for the entire section once we’ve begun.
12:00-1:00pm 5Rhythms with Tim Doody
We are beyond excited to have certified 5Rhythms facilitator Tim Doody offering a Wave. 5Rhythms is a shamanic movement practice created by Gabrielle Roth and practiced by tens of thousands of people around the world. The practice takes us through Gabrielle's vision that energy moves through the universe and our bodies in five essential rhythms that she called Flowing, Staccato, Chaos, Lyrical and Stillness.
"Put your body in motion," said Gabrielle, "and the psyche will heal itself." Tim co-creates beat-driven dance rituals for dancers to heal and shake out their deepest truth.
1:00-2:00pm Brunch Potluck
We will then share in a potluck style brunch, fueling the body and sharing in community. We don't have too much in the space - just a hot water heater and microwave. If you’re able to bring things like coffee makers or hot pots, that would be fabulous. Any and all contributions are welcome - we have had everything from giant pots of homemade soup to freshly made waffles!
2:00-3:30pm Authentic Relating with Nina
Our relationships deserve a space of practice. A lab, a playground, a studio, where we turn the dial on what it feels like to truly be us in connection with another. Slowness, patience and care will be our primary tools as we venture together to the edges of what it feels to be fully human.
3:30-5:00pm Breathwork and Soundbath with KhoTomé and Alexis Gideon
A sonic voyage in sacred space. Our journey in co-creation with frequencies of the elements will explore the power of breath and sound to open portals in the somatic body. We will commune with the authentic expression of our voices and tune our vessels with vibration. This is an invitation to resonate with the truth that we are sovereign in our own healing. Come to weave the threads of your unique vibration into the tapestry of a collective group. The sharing of your energetic signature is vital to create harmony and coherence.
If you have any questions, please reach out to nchausow@gmail.com.
We are so looking forward to sharing another beautiful Sunday together.
With love and connection!
Will, Nina and the CEA team