Cover Image for Solar Series 4: Chat w/ Ramesh Ramamoorthy
Cover Image for Solar Series 4: Chat w/ Ramesh Ramamoorthy
We are pleased to invite you to a special speaker series originally part of the Doerr School’s new “Scaling Sustainability Solutions” seminar.
Hosted By
45 Went
Past Event
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About Event

Dec. 6, Fri, 3:00–4:20 PM

Ramesh Ramamoorthy

EVP of Research at Rice University, Founding Director of the U.S. Department of Energy SunShot Initiative

Bishop Auditorium
518 Memorial Way, Stanford, CA 94305, USA
We are pleased to invite you to a special speaker series originally part of the Doerr School’s new “Scaling Sustainability Solutions” seminar.
Hosted By
45 Went