Cover Image for "Should I stay or Should I go?" with Robyn Dean

"Should I stay or Should I go?" with Robyn Dean

Hosted by Be Amazing Interpreting
Past Event
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This presentation will be presented in English, with ASL interpretation provided. RID and QAST (Oklahoma) CEUs approved - 0.2

Is interpreting a career that should be thought of as life-long? What does retirement look like in interpreting? Does the field have a higher than average attrition rate? Many of us know interpreters, often quite talented ones, who either leave interpreting for another career or leave for other reasons, eventually ending up in another career. Many more of us know interpreters who are dissatisfied with their work, some to a degree of experiencing burnout.

This presentation is designed to spotlight this topic through recent research and contemporary developments in the field. Further, we will explore how the role of typical professional development (i.e., workshops) might factor into longevity and job satisfaction for interpreters. Growth and development in other means, such as in demeanor and disposition are also addressed. The workshop will be conducted as part lecture and part discussion as a means to raise awareness to this potential for burn out and to also generate ideas on how interpreters can be proactive in imagining and planning their careers.

Educational objectives:

1. Identify three key findings in recent interpreting research on the topic of stress and attrition.

2. Explain the Jungian construct of the first and second half of life and how these might apply to interpreters.

3. Explain the constructs of emotional labor and burnout according to the Nagoski sisters

4. Identify three new ideas for one’s own professional development

This presentation will be recorded.