Cover Image for Winterish Ruby Meetup
Cover Image for Winterish Ruby Meetup
Avatar for Stockholm Ruby
Presented by
Stockholm Ruby
A meetup group centering around the Ruby programming language.
40 Went
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About Event

​Final Ruby Meetup of 2024! πŸŽ‰

​Hemnet and Varvet co-hosting one more Ruby programming language meetup before the conclusion of this year.

​Hey Ruby folks! πŸ‘‹ Whether you're experienced, just starting out, or simply curious about Ruby - come hang out with fellow developers and Ruby enthusiasts.


  • ​17:30 - Doors open. Pizza & hanging out πŸ•

  • ​18:00 - First speaker πŸ’‘

  • ​19:00 - Second speaker πŸ’»

  • ​20:00 - Open discussions πŸ—£οΈ

  • ​21:00 - Wrap-up ✨

​Never been to a meetup before? Perfect! We're just a bunch of people sharing what we're working on or learning about. The talks are casual knowledge-sharing - you might even find yourself wanting to give a talk next time.


  • ​Kim Burgestrand: Rails, SQLite, and a single VPS: Lagom, for the most of us at 100 SEK a month. A show and tell on Rails 8, Kamal, and Hetzner.

  • ​David Backeus: How Mynewsdesk migrated from a serverless AWS redshift stack to a self-hosted Rails stack on ClickHouse.

​Interested in giving a short talk? Could be about anything Ruby-related you've found interesting lately. We especially welcome first-time speakers! 🎀

SveavΓ€gen 9, 111 57 Stockholm, Sweden
Take escalator up, the office is to the left near the reception.
Avatar for Stockholm Ruby
Presented by
Stockholm Ruby
A meetup group centering around the Ruby programming language.
40 Went