Playful Productivity
Free LIVE masterclass for women stressed out and pulled in too many directions at once
Playful Productivity
Are you spending too much time running around, getting everything done and ending up exhausted realizing there isn't enough time for you?
In this masterclass, you'll learn how to turn that around and have a lot more fun in the process. I'm going to show you a quick process to:
Keep your own self-care priorities front and center
Make it easy to create new positive habits (which will ripple through your life and make everything else easier)
Discover how you can choose to have more fun, no matter what you are trying to do
This masterclass will be perfect for you if…
You are feeling overwhelmed trying to find time for yourself and get everything else done
Your inner child is hiding behind the adult that you were taught you had to be
You want a quick, self-reinforcing way to treat yourself better today, this week and this year
Make sense? Great! Sign up by following the Register link above.
When you register for this masterclass you will receive an email with the replay video.
About the Presenter: Dionne C. Monsanto
Dionne is an expert in this field because she has been you!
She was an overwhelmed, intense adult, with no time with or for herself! Her kids thought she was not fun.
She’s an Aries, native New Yorker, with 20 years of experience in the financial service industry. She has juggled home ownership with a house, a tenant, car AND THREE kids! When the kids were at home she was full-time in the financial service industry. Alternate side of street parking is enough to implode regularly.
She is now a mostly empty-nester that is self-employed and plays daily. She rides the roller coaster of life and throws her hands up when things go down.