Cover Image for Smartshore Strapi 5 Launch Party Netherlands
Cover Image for Smartshore Strapi 5 Launch Party Netherlands
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3 Going

Smartshore Strapi 5 Launch Party Netherlands

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About Event

16.00 - 17.00 Welcome & walk-in

17.00 - 18.00 Presentations:

  1. Strapi V5 Launch

  2. Strapi case: & the future impact of Strapi V4 to V5

  3. Our Smartshore experiences upgrading from Strapi V4 to V5

18.30 - 20.00 Indian buffet, drinks & music

Guests may register for the event here:

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Find Strapi Meetups across the globe. Hosting an event? Submit it to our official meetup calendar to get swag and help with promotion!
Hosted By
3 Going