Cover Image for Power Using LLMs
Cover Image for Power Using LLMs
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Studio 535
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54 Went
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About Event

Harnessing maximum value from LLMs

If you find yourself consciously or sub-consciously steering away from using LLMs for job at hand because:

  • Outputs don't match your vision

  • It requires a lot of trial & error

  • You fear it will waste time

This lecture / talk is for you.

It took me thousands of hours of experimenting with LLMs to realize productivity boost in daily work.

What to expect

Exploration of novel UX paradigms for interfacing with LLMs: Small changes in LLM interaction experience can result in outsized productivity gains. We will go over established and emerging UX patterns - chat, projects, voice computing, active memory, push to talk, agent cells, etc.

Creative ways to use popular LLM tools: We will strip down the most popular LLM tools, reveal their underlying UX patterns and learn how to get the most out of them. (Example: Using Cursor as a context management system for PKM, personal CRM, Creative Writing.)

Showcase of systems and workflows: I will showcase systems I have developed to unlock personal productivity as well as productivity of our team. These systems include mixture of iOS shortcuts, MacOS native apps, popular LLM tools, custom scripts and internal tools.

If time permits, I will showcase R&D we have been doing to improve LLM interfaces.

Snacks and drinks will be provided.

About me

Hi 👋

I am Millin Gabani, one of the co-founders of Keyflow. I spend most of my time designing and developing novel ways to interact with LLMs.

Our mission is to transform how people interact with computers for work by introducing frictionless Human - AI systems.

Linkedin, X

Notice of photography: This event will be live streamed on X and Youtube.

Studio 535
535 Queen St E, Toronto, ON M5A 1V1, Canada
Come to the back parking lot on King St. Our door is the one with a 535 sticker on it.
Avatar for Studio 535
Presented by
Studio 535
All events @ 535
54 Went