The Digital Commonwealth Mansion House Summit Series 2024
DRESS CODE - Smart Casual / Business Attire
Agenda & Speakers - https://www.thedigitalcommonwealth.com/mansion-house-summit-020524
We are at a crucial inflection point in the evolution of emerging digital technologies that are so vital to the future of our economic development.
The dress rehearsal is over.
As a collective industry it is time for us to step up and take positive action. We need to work with the government and regulators with continuous open dialogue supported by accurate data, all tracking the continuous rapid growth of our industry.
Hear directly from industry leaders, mingle with your peers, engage in the debate and if you can attend the sumptuous three course networking lunch served in the magnificent Egyptian Hall where the the first Founders Invitational Address will be delivered by a special guest.
Each panel is meticulously hand-picked to provide up-to-the-minute debate and insight on the hottest industry topics, with ample opportunity for a Q&A with real experts.
Cast your votes in the local elections and then come and spend the day with us as The Digital Commonwealth Mansion House Summit Series continues on Thursday May 2nd kicking off at 08:30
James Bowater
Founder & Chief Executive Officer