Cover Image for Soul Space

Soul Space

Hosted by Christina Berkley
No Upcoming Sessions
This series has no upcoming sessions scheduled. Heard something is coming? Check back later!
About Event

Welcome to Soul Space ...

​A mid-week moment specifically designed just for you - so you have the energy, peace of mind, and higher quality experience of living as you go about the rest of your busy week.

​Move out of hectic/busy mode and find your grounded center.

​Soul Space is a guided visioning/meditation/trance journey space where you can connect with your deep inner self, relax, rejuvenate, ideate, and come home.

​There's nothing for you to do but arrive and receive.

​Make sure you are in a quiet place where you won't be disturbed and have a comfortable place to sit and relax.

​Headphones are recommended.

​I've been running these weekly sessions since January of 2022 and each one has been unique and profound in its own way. <3

​Can't wait to see you there.


​Note: this registration is for the weekly Wednesday series for which you'll get a reminder email 1hr before the call.

​It is free and you can come on weeks that you feel drawn to join. No worries if you miss any.

​Of course, you can unsubscribe anytime.

​Oooooh - and ... you're gonna get 6 emails re. your registration pending and approval status - just roll with it ;) It's the way. Don't ask - we talked to them. It is the way, apparently ;) You don't need to do anything. After that, just your weekly reminders will pop up in your email.


​Note: Session may be recorded and used for educational purposes in the Deep Coaching Mastery Program.

And final final note note ;) By registering for the event, you are agreeing to stay in the loop with happenings at the Center for Deep Intelligence and receive our newsletter with upcoming events and helpful pieces of wisdom and thoughts from Christina (the founder of CDI). You can of course unsubscribe anytime :)