Cover Image for Clothing Swap and Holiday Gift Re-Homing!
Cover Image for Clothing Swap and Holiday Gift Re-Homing!
Avatar for 9Zero Events San Francisco
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About Event

Ok, hear me out. We've all been there–you gratefully receive a gift from a loved one, but it's not your style, not your size, or just not what you need right now!

I know re-gifting gets a bad rap, but I think it can be a beautiful thing to find a new home for things you know you won't use.

Your ticket to this event is to bring any number of items in very good condition (books, clothes, home goods, etc) and swap them with the community! Feel free to bring your lunch, too, and stay and chat with new friends.

I'll keep unclaimed items available at 9Zero for a while before donating them!

9Zero Climate Innovation Hub & Coworking
350 California St 4th floor, San Francisco, CA 94104, USA
Avatar for 9Zero Events San Francisco