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Featured in
TechChicago Week Healthcare Innovation Breakfast Panel | The Front Door Newsletter
Hosted by Sohum Shah & 4 others
Registration Closed
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About Event
Join Architect Health, Drive Capital, Lightbank, J.P. Morgan, and Wilson Sonsini for the 2024 TechChicago Week premier healthcare event. We are thrilled to host Chicago healthcare innovation leaders: Rushil Desai, CEO of Aetna Better Health of Illinois; Ryan Fukushima, COO of Tempus; Maureen Sullivan, Fmr. CSO & CINO of BlueCross BlueShield Association; Brian Whorley, CEO of Paytient; and Anil Saldanha, CINO of Rush University Medical Center.
This collaborative discussion and live podcast panel, for The Front Door Newsletter, will touch on key topics including digital health, preventive care, value-based care, and healthcare innovation in Chicago and the Midwest.
Breakfast food and beverages will be provided.
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