Cover Image for Beyond 4337: a conversation with EF — Presented by MetaMask 🦊, 1inch, Safe, Pimlico & 4337Mafia 👀

Beyond 4337: a conversation with EF — Presented by MetaMask 🦊, 1inch, Safe, Pimlico & 4337Mafia 👀

Hosted by Francesco Andreoli 🦊 & 3 others
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Shinagawa City, Tokyo
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About Event

Join us in Tokyo for an exciting meetup where we'll discuss Account Abstraction, ERC-4337, wallets, and more! (Location will be sent upon registration)

We'll be joined by EF and ERC-4337 spec authors for an intimate chat and Q&A, as well as thought leaders from Safe, MetaMask, and others for a panel discussion.

There will also be plenty of time for networking and drinks. Don't miss out!

Co-Hosts & Moderator: Francesco Andreoli, DevRel at ConsenSys , Finn Suzuki, Events Lead at Safe, daosasha Partnerships lead at, Mirko Garozzo, Developer evangelist MetaMask 🦊


17:00 Registration and Welcome!

18:00: Panel on AA: Beyond 4337: What is coming next

30 min break

19:30: Fireside chats with our guests from Ethereum Foundation:

  • Yoav Weiss, Co-author of ERC-4337, Ethereum Foundation

  • Dror Tirosh, Co-author of ERC-4337, ERC-4337 core team

  • Shahaf Nacson, Co-author of ERC-4337, ERC-4337 core team

  • moderated by Francesco Andreoli, DevRel at ConsenSys

The evening promises to be packed with developer insights and valuable networking over a beer or two. We will also have drinks at the end of the panel!

Bring your late-night research and opinions to the table. This is our safe space.

About MetaMask Snaps

MetaMask Snaps makes the most popular wallet an open platform for innovation. Anyone can build their own features and integrate them into MetaMask, whether you are working on security solutions, privacy-preserving ZK technology, non-EVM layer 2 networks, or anything else you can think of.


The 1inch Network unites decentralized protocols: 1inch Aggregation Protocol, the 1inch Limit Order Protocol and the 1inch Liquidity Protocol, whose synergy enables the most lucrative, fastest and protected operations in the DeFi space.

About Safe

Unlock Digital Asset Ownership.
Safe is the most trusted decentralized custody protocol and collective asset management platform on Ethereum and the EVM.

About Pimlico

Pimlico is a web3 infrastructure company that aims to bring account abstraction to the masses through an easy to integrate Bundler and Paymaster service.

Supported by

CASTY is the incentivized p2p mempool on users-side, which coexists with erc-4337 as an extended version. It improves the censorship resistance of erc-4337 and achieves trustless PBS.


Blocto is an account abstract wallet soon compatible with ERC-4337. Blocto provides users with the best coinless onboarding experience for nocoiners, as well as familiar user interface such as email login to get into web3 in 30 seconds.

About 4337Mafia

4337Mafia is a collective of builders pushing the universal adoption of Account Abstraction as a standard to unlock next generation of smart accounts.

About the venue

東京で行われるエキサイティングなミートアップに参加しましょう!アカウント抽象化、ERC-4337、ウォレットなどについて話し合います。 (場所は登録後に送信されます)



共同ホスト&モデレーター:ConsenSysのDevRelであるFrancesco Andreoli、SafeのイベントリードであるFinn Suzuki、1inch.ioのパートナーシップリードであるdaosasha、MetaMaskの開発エバンジェリストであるMirko Garozzo🦊


17:00 受付と歓迎!

18:00:AAに関するパネルディスカッション:Beyond 4337:次に何が来るのか

Richard Meissner、SafeのCTO兼共同設立者

MetaMaskの開発エバンジェリストであるMirko Garozzo

BloctoのエンジニアリングVPであるHao Chang

ConsenSysのDevRelであるFrancesco Andreoli


19:30:Ethereum FoundationからのゲストとのFireside Chat:

ERC-4337の共同著者であるYoav Weiss、Ethereum Foundation

ERC-4337の共同著者であるDror Tirosh、ERC-4337コアチーム

ERC-4337の共同著者であるShahaf Nacson、ERC-4337コアチーム

ConsenSysのDevRelであるFrancesco Andreoli


MetaMask Snapsについて

MetaMask Snapsは、最も人気のあるウォレットを革新のためのオープンプラットフォームにします。あなたがセキュリティソリューション、プライバシー保護のZKテクノロジー、非EVMレイヤー2ネットワーク、またはその他の何かを取り組んでいる場合でも、あなた自身の機能を構築してMetaMaskに統合することができます。


1inch Networkは、1inch Aggregation Protocol、1inch Limit Order Protocol、および1inch Liquidity Protocolという分散型プロトコルを結集し、最も収益性が高く、最速かつ保護されたDeFiスペース内の操作を可能にします。







