Cover Image for Open Days at the Commons Hub
Cover Image for Open Days at the Commons Hub
Avatar for Commons Hub Brussels Calendar
17 Going
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About Event

Feel warmly invited to visit the Commons Hub! 🤗

✔️ discover this new central place for the commons in Brussels

✔️ meet the community building this common 

✔️ participate in workshops and sessions on the commons in Brussels
✔️ try out the co-working spaces on the first floor

**Program (in progress)**

🔅ENG Talk 30 min: Building together the Commons Hub Brussels: What is it? How did it start? Where is it going? With Leen Schelfhout & Xavier Damman.

👠💪 ENG Workshop 1h: Introduction to a leadership program for leaders that embrace both female and male energies (Androgynous Leadership) by The Blindspot Project with Timothée Bres & Sinouhé Ferreiro Monteiro

🛠️💻 Ongoing: Repair Tech Café by WeAreRebel: bring your tech-related issues, such as IT problems, logistics issues or product design challenges, to be addressed with expert help

🏦📲 ENG Talk & workshop 1h: Brussels PAY: reclaiming digital payments as a common. What if our transaction fees could feed a participatory budget instead of the banks? With Jonas Boury & Xavier Damman

👨‍💻📲 ENG Tech talk 30min: exploring real world challenges to make web3 usable for citizens, and clever ways to solve them, with Kevin Sundar Raj (Citizen Wallet)

🏦📲ENG Workshop & Q&A 1h: Blockchain 101 - What is blockchain? A session to just explain the basics. No slides, just a session for everything your curious to learning about this new technology, and why we at the Commons Hub believe it might just change the way we organize ourselves and the systems that govern us profoundly. With Kris Decoodt

👠💪 ENG Workshop 1h: Connect with your inner Gentle Giant, your feminin and masculin side! This session is for all, regardless of gender-identification. With Gino Peremans

👠💪 NL Talk + Q&A 1h: The Path To Consciousness draagt bij aan een nieuwe wereld via een community met als visie dat wanneer elk mens zijn volle potentieel/talent/blauwdruk leeft, en we verbinden ons, niemand nog hoeft te werken. We hoeven niets anders te doen dan authentiek te zijn en te verbinden met anderen die vanuit hun talent aanvullend zijn. Samen bouwen aan het hoger bewustzijn van de mensheid. With Lien Deurinck

🏦📲 Imagine. Blockchain tech was invented to cut out the middlemen, to create better systems, and to thrive together. But greed is real. If you are into blockchain (from far or close), join this session for an overview of the attack vectors and human exploits you need to be very aware of, and some of the antidotes we can administer. We are at a crucial juncture in history, but if we act now, we are all going to make it. With Kris Decoodt

🧑🏼‍💻🌱Digital eco design. How to approach eco design, the ways to implement it. We will also discuss designer ethics and digital accessibility. With Greg

Want to participate in the program and test our workshop & event spaces? Sign up here 🙏🏽:

Commons Hub Brussels
Rue de la Madeleine 51, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium
Avatar for Commons Hub Brussels Calendar
17 Going