Community Club - Local Connections Working Group kickoff # 1
Join the first meeting of the Local Connections Working Group! As online community professionals, we possess a wealth of skills that can be beneficial to our local communities. This working group aims to support those who wish to apply these skills locally but aren't sure how to do so.
Kickoff is to connect with other people in the group and start off a collaborative process that will continue in a dedicated slack channel.
Welcome & Introductions (10 minutes):
Briefly present the purpose and goals of the club and the working group.
Round-robin introductions: Name, online community focus, and one local area you'd like to get more involved in.
Brainstorm Frictions (10 minutes): Generate list of reasons it can be hard to get involved locally
Group Ideas (10 minutes): In breakout groups generate ideas for how CCC could help community pros
Discussion (15 minutes): Open floor for members to discuss their experiences, challenges, aspirations, and potential projects or initiatives.
Closing and Next Steps (5 minutes): Recap & next steps