Cover Image for Exceptional people should NOT get jobs | Entrepreneur First <> eDC IIT Delhi

Exceptional people should NOT get jobs | Entrepreneur First <> eDC IIT Delhi

Hosted by Entrepreneur First
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About Event

We are Entrepreneur First, and we invest in exceptional talent pre-team and pre-idea.

​EF's talent investors are excited to be on IIT Delhi campus for an entire week. We will be meeting 1-1 with some of the most ambitious individuals on campus, and through the course of the week, will also engage with the student community over insightful workshops and speaker events.

​We are hosting in collaboration with eDC IITD, a career transforming speaker panel event 'Exceptional People Should NOT Get Jobs' at Seminar Hall at 6 15 PM on Thursday, 28th September.

This speaker panel event features exemplary founders with inspiring journeys, here to tell you how to create maximum impact with your career and why NOW is the best time to do it.

  • Akshay Gugnani is an alumnus of MIT. He met his co-founder at Entrepreneur First and built Expertia AI.

  • Raghav Toshniwal is an LSE alumnus. An EF founder himself, he is the CTO of Omniflo.

  • Divya Sriram is yet another EF founder who founded and is the CEO of D-Nome.

​Register early to secure your seat and join us for this insightful discussion.