Cover Image for Fortifying the Flow: Cyber Resiliency across the water sector
Cover Image for Fortifying the Flow: Cyber Resiliency across the water sector
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Fortifying the Flow: Cyber Resiliency across the water sector

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10:30 – Keynote: Cyber Resiliency Case Study - Addressing unique vulnerabilities and opportunities.

Speaker: Robin Oldham, Founder and CEO, Cydea

11:00 – Session 1: Capturing the increasing cost of physical and cyber risks

  • Increasing trend of blended cyber and physical threats

  • The people, process and technology challenge - lessons learnt from Deepfake incident at Arup

Speaker: Jon Farley, Associate Director, Arup

11:30 – Break and Networking

11:45 – Session 2: Standards and Compliance - CAF (Cyber Assessment Framework) and NIS Regulations (NIS 1 & 2) - Aligning with national and international standards

12:30 – Lunch Break

13:15 – Session 3: Building a Cyber-Resilient Workforce - Staff training and development for ongoing resilience and risk mitigation.

14:00 – Interactive Workshop: Closing the Resilience Gap - Practical exercises to strengthen systems and processes

Table 1: Understanding Risk and Consequence

Table 2: Where are our weakest points?

14:45 – Panel Discussion: Addressing Gaps and Risks - Identifying weak points and prioritizing mitigation strategies

Speaker: Chris Hankin, Professor, Imperial College London

15:15 – Closing Remarks and Next Steps - Summary and actionable takeaways

This event is subject to changes.

80 Charlotte St.
London W1T 4QS, UK
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