Cover Image for Guest Workshop: Breath work & Movement with  Master Yoga Teacher, Karissa Kocjancic
Cover Image for Guest Workshop: Breath work & Movement with  Master Yoga Teacher, Karissa Kocjancic
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We connect individuals and build networks through high vibe and intentional events in Bozeman and beyond.

Guest Workshop: Breath work & Movement with Master Yoga Teacher, Karissa Kocjancic

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In celebration of International Women's Day Month, we have A special invitation for you to carve out some very important, incredibly healing time spent in the presence of beautiful humans in one of Bozeman's most inspiring spaces.

Join us in welcoming Master yoga instructor Karissa Kocjancic for 3 powerful sessions of movement designed to help us each work through the trauma and unprocessed emotions that are living deep in our bodies.

Trauma Sensitive Yoga was developed by David Emerson in 2002. The goal of trauma sensitive yoga is to aide trauma survivors to feel a sense of agency, autonomy, and safety within their bodies.

During this 90 minutes you will have plenty of time to arrive into the Sky Oro space, settle into your body on your mat, move, and connect with one another afterwards.

About the movement portion:

Karissa will begin with breath work while teaching about the vagus nerve in order to provide you with a toolkit that allows you to gain access to your parasympathetic (rest and digest) nervous system, we will then follow with a series of gentle yin-based postures.

These postures will be held for anywhere from 3.5-7 minutes as it takes 3.5 minutes for the brain to tell the body that it is ok to relax into safety, and then we are able to get into the stored emotional bodies of the fascia.

Research has shown that so much of our emotional traumas are stored within the body. As Bessel Van Der Kulk the father and founder of trauma research himself says "The Body Keeps the Score" Bessel has accredited the yoga asana practice as being one of the healing modalities of trauma.

What differs trauma informed yoga from a regular yoga class has much to do with the set up of the room and the language of the teacher. Here you will be situated in a circle as to make the practice least triggering for all and create a feeling of safety. You will also be given choice-based language in order to further reconfirm your agency and autonomy over your body and what you choose to do with it. You will be given instructions for mind body connection to breathe and asana with the overall goal being nervous system regulation so that you can create a home that you feel safe in within your own body and mind.

Music is chosen to calm the nervous system – to put us into our parasympathetic and, though not guaranteed (but likely), to be drooling on your mat by the end ❤️

Event Outcomes

Mind Body Nervous System Regulation

Feeling of Safety and Wholeness within Oneself

Feeling of Agency and Autonomy within Oneself

About Karissa:

Karissa Kocjancic is a Trauma informed ERYT-500 YACEP. She is also an International Coaching Federation Accredited Life Coach. She accredits her skill set to the amazing teachers she has had the opportunity to learn from such as Bessel Van Der Kulk, Jonny Kest, M.C. Mcdonald and John Kim. She has shared her gifts at both Wanderlust and SXSW Festivals and has been featured in Thrive Global.

You can learn more about Karissa here:, or on instagram @karunakarissa

Sky Oro
107 E Oak St Suite 1A, Bozeman, MT 59715, USA
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Presented by
Sky Oro Events
We connect individuals and build networks through high vibe and intentional events in Bozeman and beyond.