Cover Image for The bEras Tour: Tokyo
Cover Image for The bEras Tour: Tokyo
260 Going

The bEras Tour: Tokyo

Hosted by Panda Bera & 5 others
Register to See Address
Chuo City, Tokyo
Past Event
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About Event

The bEras Tour: 東京

Berachain、DeFimans、KudasaiJP が主催するこのイベントは、8月27日火曜日の午後7時に東京の中心部で開催されます。Berachain のコミュニティとエコシステムのイベントシリーズの一環として、The bEras Tourが日本でスタートします。





Kudasai JP:
Kudasai JPは、2020年にDeFiコミュニティとしてスタートし、日本最大の暗号コミュニティであり、ブロックチェーン技術やWeb3の発展を推進するために活動しています。

The bEras Tour: Tokyo

Hosted by Berachain, DeFimans, and KudasaiJP, this event will take place in the heart of Tokyo at 7 PM on Tuesday, August 27. As part of Berachain's community and ecosystem event series, the bEras Tour kicks off in Japan.

We will bring together founders, builders, and key community members who have built our Japanese community and ecosystem.

About the Hosts:

Berachain is a high-performance, EVM-identical blockchain built on proof-of-liquidity and supported by the BeaconKit framework.

DeFimans is a Web3-native consulting firm based in Japan, with crypto-native members who have backgrounds in DeFi, blockchain gaming, and TradFi.

Kudasai JP:
Started as a DeFi community in 2020, Kudasai JP is the largest crypto community in Japan and is active in promoting the development of blockchain technology and Web3.

Please register to see the exact location of this event.
Chuo City, Tokyo
260 Going