Cover Image for DWeb Local First Weekend
Cover Image for DWeb Local First Weekend
Avatar for DWeb Vancouver #DWebYVR
The Hub for convening all things DWeb Vancouver #DWebYVR Browse the website for more info and to join the Signal group
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Past Event
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Minimum CA$25.00
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About Event

Welcome the first DWeb Local First weekend, a weekend of shared learning and coding!

Local first software

What if we could build collaborative applications where the users own their data and can decide what is done with it? Apps that work offline and load faster than any server could deliver them? What if they are also easier to create and run for developers without the need for "the cloud"?

This is where local-first software comes in. Join us for a weekend of exploring the emerging technologies and principles of this new kind of software. We'll learn about the broader DWeb movement, local-first technologies we can use right now and hack on some projects.

Sponsors and Supporters

This weekend is being organized by the DWebYVR node

Our sponsors are:


Saturday January 11th

12pm - Welcome and brunch
1pm - Talks

5pm - Dinner break
7pm - Hack night and music

Sunday January 12th

10am - Space opens, brunch, hacking continues
12pm - Lunch break
5pm - Project presentations
6pm - Closing

505 Hamilton St
Vancouver, BC V6B 1T1, Canada
Avatar for DWeb Vancouver #DWebYVR
The Hub for convening all things DWeb Vancouver #DWebYVR Browse the website for more info and to join the Signal group