Oregon District 03 Congressional Primary Climate Candidate Forum
Come hear from congressional candidates Susheela Jayapal and Maxine Dexter answer questions about their commitment to climate change and climate related issues.
The forum is hosted by the Portland chapter of Citizens' Climate Lobby. It will take place at Tabor Space, and moderated by KGW Chief Meteorologist Matt Zaffino.
The event will start at 7 pm on April 18th and is free and open to the public. Doors open at 6 pm with time to meet and greet.
Come early to meet the candidates and local climate groups at our meet and greet before the event. Informational tabling begins when the doors open at 6 pm.
Please note, registering does not guarantee attendance. The event will be open to the public and first come first serve.
Questions? Email us at PortlandCCL@gmail.com