Cover Image for Punks & Pinstripes PUNK SALON
Cover Image for Punks & Pinstripes PUNK SALON
34 Went

Punks & Pinstripes PUNK SALON

Hosted by Punks & Pinstripes
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Join us at Sincerely Ophelia next Wednesday from 6:00-8:00pm for our Punk Salon with Bree Groff. We will be hanging out, connecting with one another, and Bree will share some about her upcoming book “Today Was Fun” which is a bold, beautiful roadmap for making work better.

Here's an excerpt that pulled us right in:

"- 50-page PowerPoint decks with 10 point font are not normal.
- It’s not normal not having time to pee between meetings
- It’s not normal to not eat all day because you’re running from one thing to the next.
- It’s not normal to be up in the middle of the night worrying about an upcoming meeting.
- It’s not normal to devote the best parts of yourself to a job and then wonder if anything you did at work made an impact.
- It’s not normal to look at email before you look at the partner lying next to you in bed every morning.
- It’s not normal to forgo exercising and doctor’s appointments because they’re just too hard to fit in.
- It’s not normal to see kids and partners as distractions from work (“Sorry honey, I’m in the middle of this thing.”).
- It’s not normal to choose being high performing over happy.
- And it’s definitely not normal to wish away the workweek (“Just gotta get to Friday!”) when what we are really doing is wishing away 5/7ths of our lives.

Except that all of those things are perceived as being entirely normal.”

I can’t wait to talk with her next week about how to create a new and better normal. She’s a bada$$.

Sincerely, Ophelia
221 2nd Ave Suite B, New York, NY 10003, USA
34 Went