Starting at Uni: Freshers and settling in
Getting ready to head off to Uni this year? Sorted out your student finance and DSA applications? Starting to pack and apply for accommodation? Excited and nervous for those upcoming freshers’ events?
The next steps are getting ready for freshers, packing those essentials for student life and finding and then moving into accommodation.
Freshers and the start of your university journey can be a scary and daunting prospect. This event is designed to ease some of those concerns and explain all you need to know about settling into university life.
We will cover:
· What to do before arriving at university
· What and when Freshers is
· What to do on arrival/during freshers
· Making friends at uni
· Wellbeing and homesickness
· Mobility and accessibility
If you are a VI young person approaching the start of university or the parent of one, then this session is for you!