Cover Image for Report about  Tour of India
Cover Image for Report about  Tour of India
24 Went
Past Event
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日時:2月12日(水)19:00 - 21:00

​場所:GUILD community space(渋谷駅から徒歩7分)




​グローバルなテーマや多彩な人々とつながり、新たなチャンスを掴む「GLOBAL CONNECT」。

​​今回のテーマは「Report about Tour of India」。

IVSは、2024年7月4日(木)に、IVS京都にて、インド・アフリカ市場のスタートアップシーンをフィーチャーしたプログラム「グローバルサウスの急成長 | Rapid Growth of Global South」を、サイドイベントとして翌週の7月9日(火)に銀座のTiBにて「Go to India & Africa」イベントを実施しました。そしてその後の11月2日(土)より1週間の「IVS EXTREME INDIA TOUR」を行いました。その流れに沿って、今回2025年2月12日(水)に、IVSより島川敏明氏・Whiplus Wang氏、SGgrowより眞下 弘和氏、TOKYO LOLLIPOPを運営するconcon inc. の高橋 史好氏を招き、インドツアーを通して体感した、グローバルにおけるインドのプレゼンスについて深掘りしていきます。



​​Powered by Tokyo Metropolitan Government


Date: Wednesday, February 12, 19:00–21:00
Location: GUILD community space (7-minute walk from Shibuya Station)
Google Map:
Participants: 40

We are excited to invite you to a special event for those interested in the global expansion of startups.

From Japan to the world—connect with global themes and a diverse range of people to seize new opportunities with “GLOBAL CONNECT.”

This time, our theme is:
“Report about Tour of India.”

IIVS featured the startup scenes in the Indian and African markets with a program titled “Global South’s Rapid Growth | Rapid Growth of Global South” at IVS Kyoto on Thursday, July 4, 2024. As a side event, IVS hosted the “Go to India & Africa” event on Tuesday, July 9 at TiB in Ginza. Following that, from Saturday, November 2, IVS conducted the “IVS EXTREME INDIA TOUR” over the course of one week.

Building on these initiatives, on Wednesday, February 12, 2025, IVS will welcome Toshiaki Shimakawa and Whiplus Wang from IVS, Hiro Mashita from SGgrow, and Fumiko Takahashi of concon inc. (the company behind TOKYO LOLLIPOP). Together, they will delve into India’s global presence as experienced firsthand through the India tour.

​​Aspiring entrepreneurs are more than welcome to join! Gain the inspiration you need to take your next steps in this dynamic environment. This event is part of Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s initiative to promote global exchange.

​​​Powered by Tokyo Metropolitan Government

GUILD community space
24 Went