Private Event

The Feedback Loop | NY #TechWeek | AI Edition | Ep. 007

Hosted by The Feedback Loop & 3 others
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New York, New York
Past Event
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Join us for episode 7 of The Feedback Loop, a weekly live event dedicated to helping early stage founders find the essence of their pitch.

And it's a special edition in honor of NY Tech Week! For episode 9, we're welcoming AI founders only. Generative AI, large language models, agents, diffusion models, wearable AI devices — the world is transforming before our eyes, and we're dedicating this day to those building the AI-enabled future.

Each event features 10 incredible founders delivering a 1-minute, passionate pitch in front of a packed crowd in NYC. And that's where it gets interesting: Jenny Fielding (Mg. Partner @ Everywhere Ventures) and Sherveen Mashayekhi (Founder & CEO @ Free Agency) deliver 5 minutes of unfiltered, constructive, and honest feedback about their pitch and concept.

There are no slides, there is no script, and it happens in real time. Because the thing that holds most founders back? -- even those who are passionate, building something interesting, on the verge of changing an industry? Storytelling. It always comes back to storytelling.

RSVP to this event if you plan to attend in-person or want to receive a link to the livestream.

Want to pitch? Apply here. PLEASE NOTE:

  • This is an in-person event and will be recorded and livestreamed — remember, it's all about the execution, so don't be afraid of getting your idea out into the world!

  • Only apply if you're comfortable being told no — because so many startups are interested and we only do 10 pitches per event, we have a very low acceptance rate.

  • If you're looking to pitch at the NY Tech Week edition, please say that somewhere in your application.

Here’s what past participating founders had to say:

  • "It's not every day you get the undivided attention and insights of such amazing investors! It's high pressure, but also super fun.”

  • "There's no better opportunity that I have seen where you are given such a great opportunity to put your idea out there.”

  • “The Feedback Loop was incredibly valuable! We walked out more confident in our idea through the process of crafting our pitch.”

  • “This was a brilliant event. I can definitely recommend others get out there and pitch – go for it!”

This event is a part of #TechWeek - a week of events hosted by VCs and startups to bring together the tech ecosystem.

Please register to see the exact location of this event.
New York, New York