CREATEive Mornings
Some laidback creative time in our studio for anyone looking for some creative community. Join us in the studio on a Wednesday morning for coffee, tea, and low-key crafting.
We'll have an easy craft available each Wednesday that you can explore with friends (anything from fun coloring pages to playing with shrinky-dinks, or... something else!), or you can bring something you're working on from home or something you want to share with others. All creative exploration is welcome!
On December 4 we'll play with "Paint Scraping" as a technique. No experience necessary, limited instruction provided.
The Collaboratory is a *Masks Required* space. 😷 We also run two air filters/purifiers during our gatherings. If you don't arrive with a mask, don't worry—we'll have them available at the door.
If you're not feeling well or have reason to believe you've been exposed to COVID, please consider staying home. COVID is real y'all, let's keep each other safe. 😷