The Ambitious Houston Student's Playbook: Northwestern & Stanford Panel on How to Find your Passion

Hosted by Johnathan Bridges & 3 others
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About Event

Hi, I'm Matthew Moseley, Kinkaid '21 and Northwestern '25, and I'm thrilled to co-host a virtual panel for parents & students from our Houston community to an invaluable resource: Curious Cardinals. I'll be joined by Halliday- Duchesne Academy '21 and Northwestern '26-, Ian- former Houston Educator and Stanford MS '23-, and Johnathan- moderator and Stanford '22. I am a mentor with Curious Cardinals myself, and have had such a positive experience with helping my mentees find their passions and pursue distinct, impressive projects while having an engaging and fun learning experience. After seeing the value mentorship provides to K-12 students first hand, I knew I had to share this panel with parents of ambitious students in my community + students themselves!

We're here to answer all questions parents & students have about what it takes to excel in today's hyper-competitive environment, and how Houston students will discover & pursue their passions through working with our mentors. The school environment & college admissions process has never been more competitive or daunting - we know this first hand. Join us on May 28th for an insightful deep dive into how to stand out, build real skills, and excel academically with our impressive panel.

Curious Cardinals is a platform with 650+ mentors who are the brightest and most accomplished students from the top universities in the world, but they're also cool, compassionate, and relatable. Our mentors are empowering the next generation of dreamers, thinkers, and innovators through the unique magic of near-peer mentorship. K-12 students are matched with the perfect college mentor for them based on shared background, interests, and personality. Kids dive into passion projects, translate interests into real-world skills, discover their "thing", and conquer challenging academic subjects with ground-breaking results. Curious Cardinals mentorship extends to developing their confidence, building their self-esteem, guiding them to take agency over their lives.

In the interim if you want to learn more...

​​Check out our website, Instagram, or Linkedin.

​​Watch Curious Cardinals on The Today ShowCNN, or read more in Forbes or the Stanford Daily.

To give you a sense of the impact, here are a few examples:

  • Elise explored her passion for fashion and feminism and launched Maud the blog: see the blog here.

    • Hear Elise speak about her experience here

  • Matthew had no clear interests but loved gaming - he ended up building his own video game under his mentor's guidance over the course of 1.5 yrs: see the his video game here.

    • Hear Matthew and his parents speak about his experience here.

Students who became mentors:

  • Now a student at Yale, Jaidyn Hurst studied Arabic for 3 years with her Curious Cardinals mentor as well as learning French Film & Philosophy and Mass Incarceration. Now she mentors students in creative writing, songwriting, and languages.

  • Now a student at MIT, Daschiell first learned aerospace engineering at Curious Cardinals. Now he mentors students in aerospace engineering!

Please join at the Zoom link here: