Natural Solutions for Endometriosis Pain
From diagnosis to support, Integrative Clinicians have a significant offering to patients struggling with endometriosis. In this session, Dr. Jordan Robertson, who has worked as the off-site Endo-ND for McMaster University's Hospital for almost 10 years, will share the collaborative strategies that help patients get diagnosed faster and treated more thoroughly when they work with an integrative practitioner. This class will raise your confidence working with complex cases and will give your patients the level of support they deserve.
By the end of this presentation, attendees will be able to:
Understand the new frameworks for diagnosing endometriosis, including history taking and physical exam.
Practitioners will receive nutrition protocols to best support patients both acutely and for long term health.
An evidence-based supplement protocol for pain reduction and to improve patient outcomes.
Guidance on managing the side effects of common medications used for endometriosis.