Cover Image for Muslim Founders Networking with Friday, YEH, & MTC
Cover Image for Muslim Founders Networking with Friday, YEH, & MTC
Silicon Valleys Fastest-Growing Tech Community Builder, Join or Partner Today!
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Past Event
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About Event

Get ready to network and meet vetted Muslim founders, investors, and operators at the Muslim Founders Networking Conference hosted by the Young Entrepreneurs Hub 🏝️ and Friday!

Whether you're a tech enthusiast, a fellow founder, or just curious about the future of the Muslim founder ecosystem, this is the place to be.

Muslim Founder? Apply to pitch:


​​​5:00 pm - 5:45 pm: Registration and Networking

​5:45 pm - 6:00 pm: Announcements and Partner Introductions.

​​​6:00 pm - 6:30 pm: Panel Discussion: TBD

​6:30- 6:45 pm: Startup Lightning Pitches

​​​6:45 - 8:00 pm: Networking w/ Food and Drinks!


🎙️ Arshan Ahmad | CEO and Co-Founder of | Co-Founder Friday

🎙️ Sajjaad Khader | Software Engineer III at Splunk | M.S. in Computer Science from Georgia Tech

🎙️ TBD


👑 ​Friday is a private network of vetted Muslim founders, owners & investors—supercharging Muslim-led businesses. We’re bridging the gap between Investors and Founders while mobilizing communities of like-hearted peers. Apply to join on the website!

👑 Young Entrepreneurs Hub 🏝️is Silicon Valley's fastest growing tech community builder! For members: we do events + matchmaking programs. For partners: we build, operate & engage communities. Join or partner today! Apply to join the private super hub!

👑 The Muslim Tech Collaborative is a home for Muslims in tech to collaborate on solving problems, educating our youth, and leveling up their careers through our professional & entrepreneurial resources. We're currently growing our Bay Area chapter — reach out to to join! 🌙

240 Hamilton Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94301, USA
Silicon Valleys Fastest-Growing Tech Community Builder, Join or Partner Today!
183 Went