Green Summer Party - TTI France
📍 Location: Kwerk Saint-Honoré
🗓️ Event by: Top Tier Impact France
🎟 Admission: FREE subject to validation
To celebrate summer join us for the Top Tier Impact France Green Summer Party ☀️🌱🌍
Agenda : Inspiring keynotes followed by a networking cocktail
🎤 Karine Mérère, Directrice Générale, ADEME Investissement
🎤 Elina Roine, Department Director of Operations Support & Climate, BEI (Banque Européenne d’Investissement)
🎤Augustin Boulot, Délégué Général, B Lab France
🎤Pierre-Étienne Lorenceau, Président, TTI France & Europe and Chairman & CEO Leadership Growth Holding
🍸 Networking cocktail
Don't miss the opportunity to meet the TTI community gathered around one goal : contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by working on accelerating environmental and social transitions.