Cover Image for Organise Lab - First Meetup
Cover Image for Organise Lab - First Meetup

Organise Lab - First Meetup

Hosted by Andy Twelves & Campaign Lab
Welcome! To join the event, please register below.
About Event

What is Organise Lab?

A new advocacy group & community making the case for a digital transformation, and innovation across all levels of the UK trade union movement.

What is the event?

14:00 - Doors open & chat.
14:30 - Introduction to Organise Lab
15:00 - Discussion topic 1: How have unions been using technology already?
15:30 - Discussion topic 2: How have other organisations used technology to grow and evolve?
16:00 - Comfort break & refreshments
16:30 - Discussion topic 3: What is the role of the TUC when it comes to digital upskilling.
17:00 - Discussion topic 4: Where do we go from here?
17:30 - Drinks and chatting.
19:00 - Doors close at Newspeak.

Newspeak House
133 Bethnal Grn Rd, London E2 7DG, UK