We're pleased to announce the third Ink & Switch unconference. Expect a day of worthwhile conversations with interesting people in a convivial setting.
If you're reading this, you probably already know what these unconferences are like, or have been referred here by someone who does. If you've already decided to join us, please take a moment to think about who else ought to be in the room and send them here: we want a mix of familiar faces and new, and we want folks all over the industrial and academic spectra, and we want people at every stage of their career. Most of all, we want the people who are going to figure out what we ought to be doing with these computer things after all.
The venue is The Preserve (https://thepreservela.com/) in Los Feliz, about a 25m drive (or Uber ride) from the SPLASH hotel. We recommend you car pool with some other attendees.
Space is limited — register to reserve your spot. If things change and you can't make it, please unregister as early as possible. By taking a space and not using it you'll deny someone else the chance to participate.
If you have questions, feel free to send an email to hello@inkandswitch.com.)