2-Day Forum on Unity in Struggle: Liberation, Solidarity, and Collective Justice

Hosted by Forum Organizing Team
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Toronto, Ontario
Past Event
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About Event

We invite you to join us on the 25th and 26th of January as part of a 2-day Forum on "Unity in Struggle: Liberation, Solidarity, and Collective Justice" in 'Toronto'. 'Toronto' area based organizers are coming together to program an event packed with panels, workshops, seminars, food and other community activities for activists and allies to learn and exchange ideas about the interconnection between struggles.

The space welcomes all those who stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people, and all oppressed peoples, and their fight for liberation.

We encourage activists and organizers to get in touch if they have any ideas on initiatives that would engender collaboration. You can email us at toforum.justicepeaceliberation@gmail.com .

Capacity: Capacity will be limited so please register ASAP.

Location: Address will be shared with registrants.

Agenda: The agenda will be shared in the coming days via email or our instagram page.

Food: Snacks and tea will be provided. Lunch will be available for purchase.

This 2-day event is FREE and will include:

  • 7 panels

  • Seminar on 'Protecting your Rights in the Workplace'

  • Poetry

  • Meeting on Political Mobilization

  • Tatreez and other art workshops

  • Cross-Indigenous storytelling

  • and more

Speakers include:

  • Aaron Maté

  • Zahraa Al-Akhrass

  • Yves Engler

  • Shane Martinez

  • Prof. Vincent Wong

  • Dr. Yipeng Ge

  • Wanda Nanibush

  • Dr. Ahmed Abushaban

  • Dr. Faisal Bhabha

  • Hassan Hosseini

  • Sarrah G. Malek

  • Sara Rasikh 

  • Azeezah Kanji

  • Razan Samara

  • Dr. Dorotea Gucciardo

  • Mohammed Alqasem

  • Adham Diabas

  • Jennifer Alicia

  • Pamela Arancibia

  • Marvin Luvualu

  • Omar Elkhatib

  • Leen Zu’bi

  • Audrey Huntley


While entrance to the event is free, we're accepting donations to help offset our costs. All additional profits will be donated. Email us at toforum.justicepeaceliberation@gmail.com to make a donation!


Childminding will be facilitated by SURJ.

What is childminding? Childminding is distinct from childcare or babysitting. SURJ volunteer childminders will hang out with kids (aged 1+) while their parents and caregivers engage in nearby activism and organizing. They'll bring fun games, crafts and toys.

Childminding does NOT include: diaper changes, offering food, or engaging in any form of discipline. Parents and caregivers need to be nearby.

There will be a capacity of 20 for childminding services. Please let us know in advance if you will require childminding by emailing toforum.justicepeaceliberation@gmail.com.


Attendees will be asked to sign in upon arrival and confirm their registration. Masks are highly encouraged and will be available on site.


The venue is fully accessible with a working elevator.


This event is organized by a group of allies and collection of groups who've taken on workshops/seminars and/or supported in other ways. Supporting groups include: MississaugaStreetsville4Palestine, Palestinian Cultural Arts Collective, OakvilleHalton4Palestine, SURJ, Latinx4Palestine, PYMToronto, WBW Toronto, and others.


  • Lebanese Garden

Please register to see the exact location of this event.
Toronto, Ontario