Cosmos Buenos Aires | Discover the interchain
Ready to discover one of the hottest Crypto destinations worldwide? Cosmos Buenos Aires is our first, but certainly not last event in the vibrant capital of Argentina🇦🇷
Cosmos Buenos Aires is set to take place on August 16th, 2024. Expect a full-day event packed with experts, keynotes, panels, an exhibition area, F&B, and much more.
Cosmos Buenos Aires marks the potential of Latin America and why everyone has their eyes on this region.
This year, the event will focus on the crossover of artificial intelligence and Cosmos technology, modularity, use cases, real solutions, and RWA; we are going to explain “what the #$*&% is Cosmos?” for everyone!
Thanks to event sponsors:
Akash Network: Flagship Cosmos L1 that is optimized for compute and AI infrastructure network.
KiiChain: The first layer 1 in LatAm building the future of finance for emerging markets. The Latinos of Cosmos. 🌎
Agenda Cosmos Buenos Aires
1:00 pm - Bienvenida, Almuerzo y Coworking!
2:30pm - Welcome Words & Intro to Cosmos
- Reena Shtedle (ATOM Accelerator) - @neshtedle
3:00 pm - 3.45 pm - "We Are Latam Users Maxis!" (ESP)
- Abru Zucchi (Morph) - @abruzuc
- Nena (FortyTwo) - @citrusmimosa
- Solange Rodriguez (Base Latam) - @solyacuariana
- Angela Ocando (Aleph Citizen) - @ocandocrypto
3.45 pm - 4:30 pm - Blockchain Tech
- Cody (Andromeda) - @superphly
- Mariano Cortesi (Celo Labs) - @mcortesi5
- Marche (Turbin3) - @marchedev
- Brian Sasbon (NeoPower) - @briansasbon
4:30 - 5.00pm Coffee Break Sponsored by Latam Nodes
The Modular Alfajor Model - Tokens and NFTs giveaway
5.00pm - 5:45pm - "Real World Business on the Blockchain" Panel
- Alex Cavallero (KII Chain) - @apcavallerooo
- Guido Peirano (Mountain Protocol) - @Guidopeirano
- Agus Liserra (Num Finance) - @LiserraAgustin
- Diego Diaz (Camara Fintech) - @DiegoteQR
5.45pm - 6.30pm - Akash Network AMA
- Brian Sasbon (NeoPower) - @briansasbon
- Zach Horn (Akash) - @zacharyhorn
6.30pm - Farewell Words