Cover Image for Swarm Salon: From Student Club Leader to Startup Co-founder w/ Alexis Collado

Swarm Salon: From Student Club Leader to Startup Co-founder w/ Alexis Collado

Hosted by Swarm
Past Event
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From Student Club Leader to Startup Co-founder

Are you an early-stage founder or a senior designer looking to found their own startup?

With the world of tech today being filled with opportunities for growth, it can be difficult to navigate all of these to build a career. However, having the right mindset can allow you to take advantage of these moments and set a roadmap for yourself.

​Join us this Thursday (August 17) at 8PM, as Alexis shares his journey to becoming a co-founder at Swarm and the paths he took to get there.

👋🏼 About the Speaker

​​🐝 Alexis is a designer, podcaster, career coach, and community builder. He’s currently the Co-Founder and Chief Design Officer of Swarm, helping connect founders to talented fractional professionals. He was involved in building things like the Roots podcast, UX Society, and the UX+ Conference.

​​🐝 Swarm Salons gather talented founders and fractional tech builders to meet like-minded people, discover possibilities for collaborations, and find new pathways. Join one every Thursday!