Cover Image for WASABI #1〜グローバルリーダーと共に考える、わたしの挑戦〜
Cover Image for WASABI #1〜グローバルリーダーと共に考える、わたしの挑戦〜

WASABI #1〜グローバルリーダーと共に考える、わたしの挑戦〜

Hosted by ITAMAE事務局
Registration Closed
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挑戦のヒントを見つける旅を、この WASABIから始めませんか?

〜SusHi Tech Tokyo オフィシャルイベント〜

SusHi Tech Tokyo 2025は、“Sustainable な都市を High Technology で実現する”(Sustainable High City Tech Tokyo = SusHi Tech Tokyo)をコンセプトに世界中からスタートアップ、投資家、大企業、都市、学生など、多様なプレイヤーが集まる、アジア最大級のスタートアップ・カンファレンスです。 





  • 13:30:受付開始 

  • 14:00-14:10 オープニング 

  • 14:10-15:25 第一部(トークセッションxワーク) 

  • 15:25-15:35 休憩 

  • 15:35-16:25 第二部(ピッチセッション) 

  • 16:25-16:35 クロージング 

  • 16:40-17:40 学生交流会 









1)山田 裕一朗氏
ファンディ株式会社 代表取締役CEO

同志社大学経済学部卒業後、新卒で三菱重工業に入社し。その後、ボストンコンサルティンググループ(BCG)にて戦略コンサルタントに従事。その後、創業期のレアジョブに参画し、執行役員として人事、マーケティング、ブラジル事業の立ち上げ、三井物産との資本業務提携などを担当。2016年、エンジニアの採用・転職支援を行うファインディ株式会社を創業し、代表取締役CEOに就任。GitHubなどを解析し、エンジニア個人のスキルや組織を見える化する技術を軸に、ユーザー数20万人、利用企業2,700社に成長。現在、エンジニア組織の生産性を可視化するサービス「Findy Team+(チームプラス)」をリリースし、インド・韓国・台湾でも展開開始。

2)豊田 祐介氏
デジタルグリッド株式会社 代表取締役


3)山本 理恵氏
株式会社EventHub CEO

ブラウン大学経済学部&国際関係学部を卒業後、新卒でマッキンゼーサンフランシスコ支社に入社。 医療、金融、パブリックセクターの戦略立案・コーポレート・ファイナンスプロジェクトに従事。 在籍中に出向制度で認定特定非営利活動法人Teach For Japanへ出向。2016年に株式会社EventHubを設立し、イベントマーケティングSaaS「EventHub」を2019年から提供開始。一般社団法人日本CPO協会理事。









1)安藤 奨馬氏

米国物流ロボティクスベンチャー RENATUS ROBOTICS COO 兼東大発AIベンチャー TRUST SMITH COO 。シード特化VC & インキュベーター TRUST SMITH & CAPITAL 代表パートナー。IVS2024 LAUNCHPADにて優勝。

2)石田 陽佑氏
株式会社TOMUSHI 代表取締役 社長


3)小泉 慶花(モデレーター)
ITAMAE ピッチチームリーダー

UWC ISAK Japanを卒業後、慶應義塾大学総合政策学部に進学。高校時代にスタートアップに関心を持ち、起業イベントの運営やVCインターンを経験。現在はITAMAEピッチチームのリーダーとして、SusHi Tech Tokyo 2025で開催される「出世魚ピッチ」の企画・運営に携わる





​Tokyo Innovation Base 1階(JR山手線・京浜東北線「有楽町駅」京橋口 徒歩1分) 






お預かりした個人情報は、東京都株式会社ガイアックスの個人情報保護方針に基づき適切に取り扱い、イベントのご案内およびTIB 等の場を活用したグローバル・アントレプレナーシップ実践事業運営目的の範囲内でのみ利用いたします。お客様の個人情報について、照会・修正または消去をお客様が希望される場合は




〜My Challenge with Global Leaders~

Challenge more. Go global. Start your own business.
These are words that we hear more and more often.
However, many people are not sure what they should actually do.

When you hear the words “go global,” the only images that come to mind may be studying abroad, working for a foreign company, a trading company, or a Silicon Valley startup.

But in fact, there are more diverse paths. After gaining several years of experience at a large company, some people launch a startup that expands its business around the world. Some started their own businesses while still in college and are still struggling to make it. They, too, were once university students.

If they were to go back to being students now, what would they challenge themselves with?
What is a “good challenge” for each of us?

In order for today's students to find the best challenge for themselves, we would like to create a place where they can feel closer to “global” and “start-up” options as well as role models. By conversing with today's entrepreneurs and global players, you are sure to find hints for your own challenges.

In the first half of this year's WASABI, entrepreneurs, startups, and leaders of large companies will be invited to talk about “challenges and risks. The second half will be a time to experience the world of startups through pitches & sessions by entrepreneurs who are challenging on the global stage.

Why don't you start your journey to find hints for your challenge from this WASABI?

〜SusHi Tech Tokyo Official Event~

The ITAMAE project brings together 20 students to plan a global event for the global conference “SusHi Tech Tokyo 2025” held at Tokyo Big Sight in May. Sessions, workshops, and pitches are planned under the concept of “experiencing global startups while in Japan.

The core members of ITAMAE will take the lead in organizing “WASABI” as an official event in March and April.

→For more information about ITAMAE, click here

■Time Schedule

  • 13:30: Reception desk opens

  • 14:00-14:10 Opening

  • 14:10-15:25 Part I (talk session x work)

  • 15:25-15:35 Break

  • 15:35-16:25 Part 2 (Pitch Session)

  • 16:25-16:35 Closing

  • 16:40-17:40 Student Exchange

※Times for each content are subject to change.

■Recommended for

・People who want to connect with others of their generation who are passionate about something.
・People who want to be active globally in the future
・People who are interested in startups not only in Japan but also in the world


<Part 1>

■Talk Session
"Challenges and Risks in the Coming Era with Global Leaders”

When students think about their future, they are often confused about how to define “challenge” and “risk” in the many options available to them. In this talk session, globally active entrepreneurs and leaders of major corporations will talk about the background of their career choices and how they face risks in a realistic manner.

Let's think about the ideal form of “challenge” in the coming era with our guests who are globally active through various forms of challenges!


1)Shu Shimoyama

CEO of Findy Inc.

After graduating from the Faculty of Economics at Doshisha University, Shimoyama joined Mitsubishi Heavy Industries as a new graduate. Subsequently, he worked as a strategy consultant at the Boston Consulting Group (BCG). Later, he joined RareJob in its early stages and served as an executive officer, overseeing human resources, marketing, the launch of the Brazil business, and capital and business alliances with Mitsui & Co., Ltd.
In 2016, he founded Findy Inc., a company that supports the recruitment and career development of engineers, and became the CEO. Utilizing technology to analyze GitHub and visualize individual engineers’ skills and organizational data, the company has grown to serve over 200,000 users and 2,700 client companies. Currently, the company offers “Findy Team+,” a service that visualizes engineering team productivity, and has expanded to India, South Korea, and Taiwan.

2)Yusuke Toyoda

CEO of Digital Grid Inc.

After completing his graduate studies at the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Engineering in 2012, Toyoda joined Goldman Sachs. He was responsible for the structuring and sales of currency and credit-related financial products, as well as the development and investment in mega solar projects.
From 2016, he worked at Integral on private equity (PE) investment. In February 2018, he joined the founding team of Digital Grid Inc., and on July 2, 2019, he became the CEO.

3)Rie Yamamoto

CEO of EventHub Inc.

After graduating from Brown University with a degree in Economics and International Relations, Yamamoto joined McKinsey & Company’s San Francisco office as a new graduate. She was involved in strategic planning and corporate finance projects in the healthcare, finance, and public sectors. During her time at McKinsey, she was dispatched to the certified non-profit organization Teach For Japan through the firm’s secondment program.
In 2016, she founded EventHub Inc. and launched the event marketing SaaS platform “EventHub” in 2019. She also serves as a director of the Japan Chief Product Officer Association (Japan CPO Association).

"Dialogue with the Future"

Based on the talk session, a work (dialogue) was conducted on the theme of “Our Challenges” to reflect on oneself. What is the “challenge” for me now?

Let's gain insights for taking on challenges together with 100 people of the same generation!

<Part 2>

■Pitch & Session
"Serious Pitches by Entrepreneurs Taking on Global Challenges”

Pitch & Talk session with entrepreneurs who are challenging the world, touching on their thoughts on starting a business and their businesses.

Let's take the first step toward global challenges now by experiencing the pitches of entrepreneurs who continue to take on challenges, their past processes, and the content of their businesses!


1)Shoma Ando


Shoma Ando is the COO of RENATUS ROBOTICS, a U.S.-based logistics robotics venture, as well as the COO of TRUST SMITH, a Tokyo University-origin AI venture. He also serves as Managing Partner at TRUST SMITH & CAPITAL, a VC and incubator specializing in seed-stage investments. He won the IVS2024 LAUNCHPAD competition.

2)Yosuke Ishida

President and CEO of TOMUSHI Inc.

Born in Odate City, Akita Prefecture, Yosuke Ishida founded an IT business during his university years, but the venture did not succeed. He returned to his hometown, where he became passionate about beetles, leading him to establish TOMUSHI Inc.

3)Keika Koizumi (Moderator)

Leader of ITAMAE Pitch Team

After graduating from UWC ISAK Japan, Keika Koizumi enrolled in Keio University’s Faculty of Policy Management. During high school, she developed an interest in startups, gaining experience in running entrepreneurship events and interning at a venture capital firm. Currently, she serves as the leader of the ITAMAE Pitch Team, where she is involved in planning and managing the “Shusseuo Pitch” at SusHi Tech Tokyo 2025.

■Details of the Event

・Date: Thursday, March 20, 14:00~17:40 (Registration starts at 13:30)

・Venue: Tokyo Innovation Base 1F (1 min walk from Kyobashi exit of Yurakucho station on JR Yamanote line and Keihin Tohoku line)


Students, etc.

・Participation fee:



About 150 people


ITAMAE Secretariat

■Handling of Personal Information and Terms of Use

The personal information entrusted to us will be appropriately handled in accordance with the personal information protection policies of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and Gaiax Co., Ltd. It will only be used within the scope of event announcements and the operation of the Global Entrepreneurship Practice Program utilizing platforms such as TIB.

If you wish to inquire about, modify, or delete your personal information, please contact us at:


The ownership of photos, videos, and recordings taken during the event belongs to the organizer. These materials may be published on websites, newspapers, magazines, television, and other media.

By participating in this event, attendees agree to being photographed and to the public use of such materials.

Tokyo Innovation Base
Japan, 〒100-0005 Tokyo, Chiyoda City, Marunouchi, 3-chōme−8−3 2F SusHi Tech Square