Cover Image for Local Help for Startups in France
Cover Image for Local Help for Startups in France
Avatar for French Tech Berlin
Presented by
French Tech Berlin
142 Went
Past Event
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Video Replay, contacts, slides:

Speakers :

- Business France : Laurent Guerin (Invest in France)

- Paris-Region : Romain Erny (Choose Paris Region)

- Grenoble Alpes : Alexandrine Romestant (Invest In Grenoble Alpes)

- Occitanie : Camille Travier (AD'OCC) and Julien Toulouse (Toulouse Team Invest (ex-Invest in Toulouse)

- Nouvelle-Aquitaine : Magali Roux (Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine)

- Region-Sud : Antonin Chef (risingSUD) and Maeva Denis (Invest in Provence by Provence Promotion)

- Grand-Est : Dirk Winkler (Grand Est Développement International - Invest in Eastern France)

- Bourgogne-Franche-Comté : Karine Berger (Agence Economique Régionale Bourgogne-Franche-Comté - AER BFC / AERBFC)

Moderation : André Pitié

Avatar for French Tech Berlin
Presented by
French Tech Berlin
142 Went