Laughing Babies: the cutest job in science & what comes next
Join us this Tuesday for the next in our talk series on Science Futures!
6.00 pm: Doors open
6.30 pm: introduction
7pm Dr Caspar Addyman - Consulting infantologist.
AKA What I did next after rage quitting the cutest job in science.
Dr. Caspar Addyman is a child psychologist who has studied how babies learn for two decades, focusing on language, concepts, and their sense of time. Since 2011 he had studied why babies laugh and why it matters. He authored the popular science book "The Laughing Baby" and collaborated with Grammy winner Imogen Heap to create "The Happy Song." In March 2022 Caspar resigned his job at Goldsmiths. escaping a toxic work environment at a financially troubled university. But in the process losing his identity as a scientist and academic.
This is the story of what happened next. A serendipitous tale of becoming a children's author and an research nomad applying machine learning methods to problems to parenting and early childhood.
Topics covered include the Sustainable Development Goals, neurodiversity, mental health, freelancing, science communication and AI ethics. With a little bit of zen and magick to unsettle the rationalists.
Caspar is an extraordinary lecturer at the Institute for Life Course Health Research, Stellenbosch University and researcher with the Global Parenting Initiative. He is Chief Insight Officer at http://playtandem.com and his "Babies Laugh" picture books are published by Campbell Books.
Discover more at https://babies.lol .
9.00 pm: Mingling and planning futures.
10.00 pm: Close
a little about your hosts:
Edward Saperia, Dean of Newspeak House
Dr Eric Rogers, Historian, Curator of the London Night Cafe
Dr Zarinah Agnew, Neuroscientist, Community Builder