Novus: Week #69
Novus is a community of founders and creatives that meet every week to work on projects with impact and scale
No sales, No politics, Just building
Bring your laptop, this is not a networking event
12:00 PM - 12:30 PM - Mingling & Intros
12:30 PM - 2:30 PM - Chill Co-working
2:30 PM - 3:00 PM - Demos
3:00PM - Late - Serendipitous Hangouts
Who is this for?
If you're working on making the future awesome — either by building it, or advocating for it — apply.
We're constantly iterating & improving on this criteria.
You're either:
A founder or early employee at an ambitious and impactful company (any stage)
Building up the community and the ecosystem
A cracked researcher working on a project with real-world applicability
Who is this not for?
People who don't ship
Some photos from one of our recent meetups