Manifestation & Healing Gathering with Teaching from The Money Witch: Prayer Candle Creation in honor of the Jewish holyday Tu b'Shevat
There is a manifestation and healing portal that opens on the Hebrew calendar on the holy days of Tu b’Shevat and Tu b’Av. There is massive potential for what we call tikkun- rectification, repair, alignment- on these days. When we each tend to the tikkun path of our individual existence on Earth, we contribute to tikkun olam, or the repair and healing of the whole.
Come gather two days before tu b’shevat (commonly known as the New Year of the Trees) for this ritual of repairing your own soul, and be ready to meet all the potential of this moment in time. Jessie-Susannah Karnatz aka The Money Witch (www.moneywitch.com) will teach for the first hour about the significance of this moment, being ready to move from the void (nothingness and also the potential of all things) of Winter, and the idea of Abundance from the Void.
We will spend the second hour creating collaged prayer candles with the vision of who we will become and what shape we will take in this next one year cycle.
This gathering is centered in anti-zionist mystical Jewish teaching but you do not need to be Jewish to attend.
Materials cost is $7 for Ruby members and $18 for non-members.
This gathering will be capped at 20 attendees.
For more non-zionist tu b’shevat resources: https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/resource/tu-bshvat/