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let's get cancelled!

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San Francisco, California
Past Event
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About Event

A safe space for what you can't say in "safe spaces".

When you arrive, you will be given a slip of paper with a random hot take. You will rip up the paper, and for the remainder of the night you will represent that hot take, in addition to your own beliefs. The purpose of paper is to provide plausible deniability to make it safer to share your cancellable beliefs, because not every belief you represent will be yours.

​​Seize the evening to have discussions you can't have elsewhere. No topics are off-limits — sex, race, politics, …

No lurkers!

Chatham house rule: after the event is over, you may talk about what happened, but please do not identify specifically who said/did what.

Can't make it this time? Get notified when I run another unusual event:

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Please register to see the exact location of this event.
San Francisco, California
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