Cover Image for Success Stories - Lightning Talks
Cover Image for Success Stories - Lightning Talks
Avatar for Work on Climate
Presented by
Work on Climate
213 Went
Past Event
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About Event

​Join Work on Climate community members as they discuss their transition to climate work and how they overcame ecosystem barriers to get there.

5 Talks, 5 Industries, 5 Functions

​Discover diverse pathways to meaningful climate work as five Work on Climate community members from various climate and sustainability sectors divulge their transitions and strategies for overcoming ecosystem barriers.

​Each speaker will have 5 minutes to share their success story. This will be followed by a Q&A segment and breakout room sessions, where you can connect directly with speakers and other attendees.

​Featured speakers

Laura Fletcher 
Role: Product @ Uplight
Sector: tech

Laura Fletcher is a human-centered product leader in the climate tech space. She’s led effective teams and launched problem-solving products in many diverse contexts, from online interior design to project-management tracking to carbon accounting, in companies ranging from 3 to 30,000 people. She currently leads Insight and Reductions work for Carbon Direct’s software platform.

Louis Chan
Role: Sustainability Manager @ Golden Energy and Resources
Sector: sustainability

As a Sustainability Manager, Louis leads the formulation of practical sustainability strategies and policies that are fit for purpose and introduce comparative advantage against peers. He works to engage stakeholders across all levels of the organisation to foster a culture of sustainability and social responsibility. Having been from a sustainability consultancy background, he is also familiar with various verticals from sustainable procurement, ESG funds, data centre strategies, etc. He enjoys aligning his professional interest in sustainability with his personality of challenging himself and embedding innovation processes.

Anshul Gupta
Role: Policy & Research Director @ New Yorkers for Clean Power
Sector: energy

Anshul Gupta was a Principal Research Staff at IBM T.J. Watson Research Center. Alarmed by the slow government response to the rapidly worsening climate crisis, he took early retirement this year and joined New Yorkers for Clean Power as a Senior Policy Analyst. At IBM, where he is still a consulting Senior Research Scientist, his research focused on high-performance computing, and recently included energy, materials, and decarbonization, in which he has multiple publications as well as one issued and two pending patents. He is a trained Climate Reality leader and volunteers on the leadership team of the NYS Climate Reality Chapters Coalition

Paul Himmelstein
Role: Operations Lead @ Homeworld Collective
Sector: climate biotech

Paul Himmelstein has worked for 10+ years on some of society's deepest problems in education, systemic racism, gender equity, and the environment.

Paul specializes in creating systems and partnerships that help achieve organizational goals and believes that analysis and processes show the way, and emotional intelligence gets everyone to the destination.

Catherine Murupaenga-Ikenn
Role: Trustee, Climate Change Tai Tokerau Northland Trust; and guest lecturer, Otago University
Sector: activism, climate justice

Catherine (Te Rarawa and Ngāti Kurī Māori peoples of Aotearoa, New Zealand) is a long-time international activist. With a Master of Laws, she has held many positions in the UN Human Rights System, including as Co-Chair of the Pacific Caucus (2014 Global Preparatory Conference for the UN World Conference on Indigenous Peoples). She represented her peoples in the Historical Treaty Claims settlement with the New Zealand Government (2008-15), and is a founding member of the Pacific Indigenous Women's Network and Te Waka Hourua (Māori climate justice activists and mainstream allies). Her recent focus is metaphysics for healing people and planet.

Start Your Climate Journey

​Join us for the live event that will provide a roadmap for your own climate journey by learning from those who have successfully made the transition themselves. Reserve your spot now! 

If you're interested in speaking at a future quarterly Success Stories - Lightning Talks event, please fill out this FORM! This is where we would regularly be sourcing speakers from.

​About us

​At Work on Climate, we are helping humanity build the workforce it needs to solve climate change equitably and justly.

​Our goal is to make climate work mainstream in the talent ecosystem, empowering hundreds of millions of people everywhere in the workforce with the skills and support they need to use their talents for building climate solutions.

​Imagine learning about climate solutions in every class you take, meeting climate companies at every conference you attend, and seeing climate work highlighted in every job board you browse.

​This is the movement we’re building at Work on Climate – a movement to make climate work mainstream.

​To learn more, visit our website :

Avatar for Work on Climate
Presented by
Work on Climate
213 Went